
Method and System for Clustering and Classifying Online Visual Informatione

Nicholas Aaron Shiftan, Apu Sorabh Gupta, Brendan William Lowry, and Louis Kratz III 2016. CURALATE Inc. Philadelphia, PA.


Bayesian Defogging

Ko Nishino, Louis Kratz, and Stephen Lombardi

International Journal of Computer Vision 2012.

Factorizing Scene Albedo and Depth from a Single Foggy Image

Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino

In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009.

Crowded Scenes

Unfortunatley I can not release the code or video for this project, however my thesis has sufficient details for implementing the approach. You can see more results on Ko Nishino’s page.

Croweded Scenes

Modeling Crowd Flow for Video Analysis of Crowded Scenes

Ko Nishino and Louis Kratz

In Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Crowds 2013.

Visual Analysis of Videos of Crowded Scenes

Louis Kratz

2012.PhD Thesis

Going with the Flow: Pedestrian Efficiency in Crowded Scenes

Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino

In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.

Tracking Pedestrians Using Local Spatio-Temporal Motion Patterns in Extremely Crowded Scenes

Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2012.

Spatio-Temporal Motion Pattern Models of Extremely Crowded Scenes

Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino

In Machine Learning for Vision-Based Motion Analysis 2011.

Tracking with local spatio-temporal motion patterns in extremely crowded scenes

Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino

In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.

Anomaly detection in extremely crowded scenes using spatio-temporal motion pattern models

Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino

In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009.


Making Gestural Input from Arm-Worn Inertial Sensors More Practical

Louis Kratz, Daniel Morris, and T. Scott Saponas

In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2012.